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41 more milk, dairy products passed gov't lab test - BFAD
MANILA, Philippines - The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) cleared Tuesday at least 41 more milk and milk-based products from the list of items possibly tainted with melamine. In ads placed in the Manila Bulletin and Philippine Star newspapers, the BFAD said that as of Oct. 13, no melamine was detected in the 41 products. These included: * Anchor Fresh Milk; * Caidenly Biscuits (Milk Flavor); * Candyman Kendi Mint Chocolate Filled Center; * Candyman Vi-Va Caramel Sweets Chocolate Filled Center; * Dairy Champ Evaporada; * DongGuan Bairong Chocolate Cream Biscuits; * DongGuan Wanjiang Wan Fu Papaya Cookie; * DongGuan Bairong Apple Biscuits; * DongGuan Golden Paddyfield Giadenjy Biscuits; * DongGuan Golden Paddyfield Little Biscuits; * DongGuan Mayong Guang Feng Food; * Engtian Layer Biscuits; * Eugnitan Layer Biscuits; * F&N Blue Cow Condensada; * F&N Daisy Condensada; * Farmhouse Skimmed Milk Powder; * Fat & Thin Milky Soya Drink; * Fudielai Biscuits; * Keko Candy; * Kyoto Cookies; * Liu Wei Bang Lollipop Candy; * M&M's Minis Chocolate Candies; * Mai Wei Su Cookies; * Milky Soya Milk Drink (Chocolate); * Milky Soya Milk Drink (Green Apple); * Milky Soya Milk Drink (Melon); * Milky Soya Milk Drink (Sweet Corn); * Pengtian Thin Cracker; * Pokka Soy 4 U Soy Bean Drink; * Prime Roast Calcium Enriched Nutritious Cereal; * Prime Roast Oligosacharide Nutritious Cereal; * Sally Sikaoqi Milk Candy; * Sally Sikaoqi Coffee Candy; * Sukacita Little Bear Biscuits (Chocolate flavor); * Suntree Coffee Candy; * Tiong Hwa Soya Milk (unsweetened); * Vitasoy Calci Plus Healthy Soya Drink (Low Sugar Hi-Calcium Low Fat Cholesterol Free); * Yeo's Drink; * Zhen Xin Sandwich Biscuits; * Zhongshan Lewwa Food Jelly (Pudding); and * Zhongshan Meihua Butter with Filling Cake - GMANews.TV
Tags: taintedmilk, bfad
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