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2010 Elections: Poll Automation Timeline
March 11, 2009 - The Comelec en banc approved the Terms of Reference/Request for Proposal (TOR/RFP) for the Solutions, Terms and Conditions for the 2010 poll automation. TOR/RFP documents contain the Comelec's policies, requirements and technical specifications which prospective bidders will need in order to prepare their bids. TOR/RFP documents come with a P1 million price tag, a non-refundable fee to be paid by interested bidders. March 18-25, 2009 - TOR/RFP for bidders were released. Smartmatic/TIM and Philippine Avante International Technology Corp. were the first to procure bid documents. March 24, 2009 - President Arroyo signed into law RA 9295, allocating P11.3 billion in additional funds for the 2010 poll automation. March 30, 2009 - The Comelec Special Bids and Awards Committee (SBAC) held a pre-bid conference for the 2010 automation project. The conference was an opportunity for the prospective bidders to seek clarification on any part of the bid documents. At the time of the pre-bid conference, 10 firms have already purchased the TOR/RFP:
- Smartmatic/TIM
- Avante International Technology, Inc.
- Syrex Corporation / Scantron
- DVS Philippines/Samsung
- Indra Sistemas S.A.
- Universal Storefront Services Company/Sequoia
- All Data Hub International, Inc.
- Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.
- AMA Group Holdings Corporation/ES&S International
- Mega Data Corporation
- Avante International/ Canon Marketing Philippines/ DB Wizards/ NETNODE Technologies/ Creative Point (May 4)
- Indra Sistemas/ Strategic Alliance Holdings, Inc. (SAHI)/ Hart Intercivic; (May 4)
- Sequoia Voting Systems Inc./ Universal Storefront Services Corporation/ USSC-Sequoia Voting Solutions Inc. (May 5)
- Smartmatic International/ Total Information Management Corp. (May 5)
- Syrex Inc./ Amalgamated Motors Phils. Inc./ Avision Inc. (May 6)
- AMA Group Holdings Corp./ Election Systems and Software Int'l Inc. (ES&S) (May 6)
- Gilat Satellite Network Ltd./ F.F. Cruz and Co., Inc./ Filipinas (Prefab Building) Systems Inc.(May 6)
- Indra Systemas, S.A., Hart Intercivic, and SAHI
- Smartmatic and Total Information Management
- AMA and ES&S
- Gilat Satellite Network Ltd. / F.F. Cruz and Co., Inc./Filipinas (Prefab Building) Systems, Inc.
- Avante International/ Canon Marketing Philippines/ DB Wizards/ NETNODE Technologies/ Creative Point
- Sequoia Voting Systems Inc./ Universal Storefront Services Corporation/ USSC-Sequoia Voting Solutions Inc.
- Syrex Inc./ Amalgamated Motors Phils. Inc./ Avision Inc.
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