The Arroyo administration and the camp of Sen. Manuel Villar Jr. are forming an “unholy alliance" for the May 10 elections, Sen. Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Aquino III insinuated Wednesday. Aquino made the statement after Pulse Asia released its latest survey results showing a further drop in Aquino's ratings while Villar continues to inch closer to him despite the controversy hounding him in connection with the C5 road extension project. In the latest Pulse Asia survey, only 2 percentage points separate Aquino (Liberal Party) from Villar (Nacionalista Party). “By the day, it is becoming clear that an unholy alliance is developing between this administration and my opponent. No wonder the Palace spokesman couldn’t restrain himself in expressing his gratitude to one of my opponents for keeping quiet on the many issues confronting this administration," Aquino said in a statement sent to GMANews.TV. Presidential deputy spokesman Gary Olivar had earlier been quoted as praising Villar for not criticizing President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in his campaign.
Black propaganda Aquino said he was not surprised with his declining ratings, considering that his opponents have been hurling “unrelenting and increasingly below-the-belt and baseless black propaganda" against him. “What should not escape all of us is that I still lead the surveys—from the time I declared my candidacy to this day. I would like to assure everyone, especially our supporters, that as the formal campaign period starts, we will work harder to make sure that we remain on top of the fight and the hope of our people for a clean, competent and compassionate government through my tandem with Senator Mar Roxas will be fulfilled," he said. He even quoted Villar as supposedly saying in a forum in De La Salle University that he would not lift a finger to defend the administration.
The absent senator At a press conference, Aquino also took a potshot at Villar for his absences in Senate sessions. Aquino, the only son of the late President Corazon Aquino and slain Senator Benigno “Ninoy" Aquino Jr., said that while he was diligently attending the sessions and performing his functions as a legislator, “the others are practically campaigning fulltime, neglecting their mandate with those who entrusted them with their votes." Villar has not been attending sessions in what his critics see as his move to downplay the C5 controversy, where he is accused of using his power to benefit financially from the government’s road project. On Tuesday, Villar
defended himself through a privilege speech but left the floor immediately after. The Nacionalista Party, meanwhile, credited the rise in the ratings of Villar to their “communication strategy." “We believe it is our communication strategy and messaging that is working well and we will continue to strengthen our local political machine for the end game," said party spokesman and senatorial candidate Gilbert Remulla in a text message to GMANews.TV. He added it is safe to assume that the attempts to discredit Villar through the C5 road issue have lost its efficacy and that the public knows that it is all about politics.
- with Sophia Dedace/KBK/RSJ, GMANews.TV