It may be election season, but public and private schools have been ordered to keep graduation rites for Batch 2010 politics-free. The Department of Education, in Order No. 13, also ordered the schools to keep their graduation rites solemn yet simple and austere. "The graduating rites should be conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the graduating students and their parents and shall not in any way be used as a venue for political forum," DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus said in the order. In the past, many schools usually invite political figures to speak at graduation rites. During election time, these politicians take the opportunity to campaign before their captured audience, in particular to parents and guests of the graduating students.
In the same department order, Lapus said the rites should be as simple as possible, especially due to difficulties brought about by recent natural calamities. Lapus reiterated the department's policy on the conduct and collection of fees for graduation rites, where public schools are not allowed to collect graduation fees or any contribution for graduation rites. While the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), however, may solicit minimal voluntary contributions from members for graduation ceremonies and celebration, teachers and principals should not be involved in it. The use of contributions are to be coordinated with and properly reported to the PTA, Lapus said, adding that no non-academic project will be imposed as a requirement for graduation. On the other hand, he said there should be no extravagance in graduation rites. "No extraordinary venue for ceremonies should be required," he said, adding holding the graduation in school premises is encouraged. Also, Lapus said there should be no special attire for the ceremonies. While wearing togas are allowed, "only the actual cost of rental of togas (will be shouldered) by the graduating class," he said. Lapus also stressed contributions for the annual yearbook will be on a voluntary basis only.