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Nearly half of Pinoys trust Comelec, but unsure of Smartmatic

Nearly half of Filipinos trust the Commission on Elections (Comelec) while almost the same are not sure whether to trust poll machine supplier Smartmatic-TIM, Pulse Asia said Wednesday based on its latest survey on voter preferences and other metrics. The survey, conducted last January 22 to 26, showed that a near-majority of Filipinos or 47 percent trust the Comelec, while 18 percent distrust it outright, and 34 percent could not say whether they trust or distrust the poll body, Pulse Asia said. The figures indicated a better public standing for Comelec compared to a similar survey conducted in October 2009, with the poll body gaining a nine-point improvement in overall trust ratings and a seven-point decrease in overall indecision ratings. Comelec spokesman James Jimenez welcomed the fact that many Filipinos are beginning to trust the poll body more and more. “These are very good numbers… from what we’ve seen," he told GMANews.TV in a phone interview. He likewise said that they hope to change the minds of those still undecided and those who fully distrust them. “We will strive to stay as they will trust. Hopefully (the success of the elections) will make up their mind for them," he said. But the results of the Pulse Asia survey were not as positive for Smartmatic-TIM, the consortium that was awarded the P7.2-billion contract to produce the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines to be used in the 2010 polls. The survey showed that only 41 percent of Filipinos trust Smartmatic, while 43 percent are unable to say if they trust or distrust Smartmatic and 22 percent distrust the company completely. However, this was still an improvement from their ratings in October, from which they improved by 10 points in overall trust ratings and nine points in overall indecision ratings. Smartmatic spokesman Gene Gregorio, for his part, said that the figures were not at all “surprising." “You really only gain trust and confidence after a successful exercise. Hopefully, ratings will increase after May 10. Not that we really need such," he told GMANews.TV in a text message. Jimenez also said that every since they inked the contract with the poll machine supplier, several “vested interests" have been going after Smartmatic. “(It’s) unfortunate because they are doing their best," he said. Meanwhile, the same Pulse Asia survey showed that 43 percent of Filipinos trust the poll watchdog Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) while 19 percent distrust it and 36 percent are unsure of the organization. The PPCRV is the only accredited citizen’s arm of the Comelec for the May polls.—JV, GMANews.TV