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Jamby throws support behind Danny Lim

Independent presidential aspirant Sen. Ma. Consuelo "Jamby" Madrigal on Thursday threw her support behind the senatorial candidacy of former Army general Danilo Lim. "Throughout his military career, General Lim has shown himself to be a true patriot and a defender of the people. He has fought against tyranny and oppression to preserve our democracy no matter what the cost is at great personal sacrifice," read a statement from Madrigal's office. "My expression of support to the candidacy of General Lim is unconditional. I only ask that he remain committed to his principles and continue to fight against patronage politics," the statement added. Madrigal is seeking the presidency with no vice presidential candidate and no senatorial slate. Lim, former commander of the Army's First Scout Ranger Regiment, is seeking a Senate seat under the banner of the Liberal Party. At present, Lim remains in detention at the Philippine National Police's Custodial Center in Camp Crame after the government filed rebellion charges against him and several others in connection with the November 2007 standoff at the Peninsula Manila hotel siege. He also faces mutiny charges before a general court martial for his alleged involvement in the February 2006 coup d' etat. During the 2007 elections, Madrigal also supported the senatorial bid of Antonio Trillanes IV, and reportedly sponsored the television advertisements of the former Navy officer. Trillanes won despite being unable to campaign outside his detention facility. Just like Lim, Trillanes stands accused of rebellion in connection with the Peninsula hotel siege, and also faces coup d' etat and mutiny charges in connection with the July 2003 Oakwood incident. - RSJ, GMANews.TV