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Senate releases ex-AFP comptroller Ligot
(Updated 6:53 p.m.) Sen. Teofisto Guingona III, head of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, on Tuesday ordered the release of former military comptroller Jacinto Ligot from Senate custody. At the end of Tuesday's Senate inquiry on the alleged corruption in the military, Guingona ordered that Ligot be released "on the condition that (he) cooperates in the future." "Pursuant to the provision on the Order of Arrest that he will be released if and when he cleanses himself of his contumacious conduct, testify truthfully, and not improperly invoke his right against self-incrimination, the committee hereby orders the immediate release of (Ligot)," said the Blue Ribbon Committee's order of release. The order, however, said that Ligot's release does not mean that the Senate has absolved the general of his "transgressions." "That will be dealt with on a later date," it said. The Senate had earlier cited the Ligot and his wife Erlinda for contempt after they snubbed a previous committee hearing and "falsely" reported that they were sick. According to the Senate order, the Ligots' non-appearance "delayed... and obstructed the inquiry" into alleged corruption in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). Mr. Ligot was then arrested and detained at the Senate premises. Mrs. Ligot was not ordered arrested for "humanitarian reasons," Guingona said, citing her "health problems." - Kimberly Jane Tan/KBK, GMA News
Tags: afpcorruption, jacintoligot
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