Budget Dept. gets green light to free P1B for infra projects
The Department of Budget and Management said over the weekend that President Aquino’s signal to release P1.065 billion for infrastructure development that covers airports, seaports and other facilities under the Department of Transportation and Communications. The special allotment was released so the department can implement the projects during the tropical summer when weather conditions are right. “The Aquino government is committed to invest properly in infrastructure projects. If done in the right way, these transportation infrastructure projects are expected to increase economic activities, such as tourism and trade of agricultural goods in various localities," Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said over the weekend. Of the P1.065 billion, the department said P530.5 million is allotted to airports and navigational facilities, P284.5 million to seaports and lighthouses, and P250 million to rehabilitate the Philippine National Railways (PNR) commuter Line (Alabang-Calamba). "Among the airport projects are the Alaminos Airport in Pangasinan (P75 million for government land acquisition), Dipolog New Airport Terminal Building in Zamboanga del Norte (P75 million for construction), San Vicente Airport in Palawan (P65 million), and Kalibo Airport in Aklan (P35 million for the rehabilitation of the Old Domestic Terminal)," the DBM said. The seaport projects include the development of the Codon Roll-on, Roll-off Port in Catanduanes (P45.5 million), expansion of Placer Port in Surigao del Norte (P30 million) and development of the Lupon Port in Davao Oriental (P25 million). These projects will help spur tourism and business activities in key destinations around the country, according to the Budget chief. "Meanwhile, the PNR Commuter Line will provide a faster alternative for those commuting to work in Metro Manila from nearby provinces in the south," Abad said. — VS, GMA News