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Hackers hit Congress website on eve of SONA

On the eve of President Benigno Aquino III's second State of the Nation Address (SONA), hackers broke into the website of the House of Representatives, taking and leaking data online. The Hacker News reported Sunday evening the hackers, identified as BashCrew, hit the site in the name of AntiSec, a hacker movement seeking to seize classified information and make it public. "The leak has personal information, emails, contact numbers etc via pastebin link," the Hacker News said. But while The Hacker News posted a screenshot of the leaked data on, the link to Pastebin led to an error message as of 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Seen in the screenshot on The Hacker News site were the names of members of the House of Representatives and telephone numbers and email addresses.

A screenshot on The Hacker News, supposedly of the data of lawmakers leaked by hackers who hit the House of Representatives website Sunday.
But part of the group's message in the screenshot hinted the group may release more information, including "blood types, emails, and some URLs to private sites and phone numbers." On the other hand, the House of Representative website itself appeared normal as of 7:30 p.m. Sunday. The House of Representatives was the latest government agency to have its website hacked this weekend. Last Friday, a hacker group calling itself PrivateX defaced the Office of the Vice President website several times in one day. The group resurfaced Saturday, attacking the site of the Food and Drug Administration where it even left a "Good Luck" message for Aquino at his SONA. It claimed to support AntiSec, an operation started by hacktivist group Anonymous and joined by Lulz Security. — KBK, GMA News