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Pinoy Abroad

Balikbayan from New Jersey warns vs muggers in PHL

While he still loves his home country, a “balikbayan" from New Jersey is warning fellow Filipino-Americans of the perils they face at the hands of criminals in Manila. Fil-Am certified public accountant Jann Paolo “JP" Verzosa, a native of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, speaks from an unpleasant experience he had during a trip late last year. “I still love the Philippines and I don’t want to discourage anyone from visiting the country and its beautiful people," Verzosa said, according to the Filipino Reporter. “[But] the Philippines has a lot of work to do before it becomes a staple in the tourist track," he added. Verzosa, 25, was mugged in Makati City during his vacation in the Philippines, days before he was to take a flight back to the United States. Two robbers took his BlackBerry phone and wallet containing undetermined various currencies, two debit cards, a credit card, and a driver’s license. He had left a high-paying Manhattan job as senior auditor at one of the Big Four accounting firms to travel in Southeast Asia for six months “to see the world and enjoy life." Verzosa said that while he prepared himself for such an incident during his Asian trip, “I didn’t expect that it would happen to me in my home country," he said. “It was really unnerving." He also said he had talked to many travelers who said they “don’t feel safe in Manila." — JE, GMA News