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Anti-corruption Mass, prayer rally set in Laoag
MANILA, Philippines - Even the home province of the late former President Ferdinand Marcos will host a mass and prayer rally against corruption in the wake of the $329.48-million ZTE national broadband network deal mess. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) on Wednesday said the Mass and prayer rally, which will be held upon the request of Ilocos Norte Gov. Michael Keon, is scheduled for Friday. "We're in the thick of preparations to make the March 7 Mass and prayer rally a success," said Laoag Bishop Sergio Utleg, head of the CBCP Commission on Indigenous People, who will officiate the Mass. He said he hopes the people will listen and understand the position of the Catholic bishops which zeroed in on the root of corruption due to selfishness. "We cannot solve this if we will not consider common good," he said. Utleg said government should take the lead in the fight against graft and corrupt practices within its ranks "because they are in the best position to reveal the truth and rid the system of wrongdoings." In an interview over Church-run Radio Veritas, Bishop Utleg said everyone should play his role because people seem to be caring less as various investigations into corruption allegations have led to nowhere. He said Senate inquiries have led to blank walls as final reports have not resulted in filing of criminal charges against people involved in shady deals. On the other hand, CBCP Episcopal Office on Bioethics and Malolos (Bulacan) Bishop Jose Oliveros cited Pope Benedict VI's encyclical that the church "cannot, and must not take upon itself, the political battle to bring about the most just society possible." "Even if we have the best intentions to establish the most just society possible, the church cannot and must not take upon itself political issues," he said. But he said that if President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will not lift Executive Order 464, the CBCP will still exercise its "power of persuasion" because "we didn't say we didn't say we won't do anything." He said the CBCP's call is for communal action through communal conversion does not apply only during the Lenten season. "Everyone is called upon to mend one's ways and as teachers and parents, we should teach the young to value truth," he said. "We're not in a hurry, because if one's in a hurry without appropriate time for prayer and inner conversion, we'll go nowhere," he added. Antipolo Auxiliary Bishop Francisco De Leon added the government is in the best position to lead the campaign against graft and corruption. He noted that there are enough laws to guarantee a graft-free environment but he added "the government can lead the campaign if they have enough political will and they have nothing to hide." "If they are sincere and honest, the laws will be enough guarantee" to win the fight against graft and corrupt practices, he said. "We gave the government a rope for them to save themselves if they change and deliver what is expected of them because if they fail, the same rope would serve (as a) noose for them to hang themselves," he added. - GMANews.TV
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